Yoni Steaming to Reduce Risk During Child Birth  

Free Mini Mastermind W/Keli


April 5th 8pm est

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meet Keli 

Keli Garza has a Masters degree in International Development graduating cum laude with a focus in nonprofit management and human rights. Keli is the owner of Steamy Chick and the founder of the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute. Through her company she raises awareness on the benefits of vaginal steaming, makes supplies accessible, conducts research and trains practitioners. Keli is the author of the Vaginal Steam World MapPelvic Steam Testimonial DatabaseFourth Trimester Vaginal Steam Study and Steamy Chick blog. Some of her notable work includes executive producing the Hot & Steamy Podcast, creating the annual #steamyaugust Vaginal Steam Awareness Month and an upcoming documentary film with the working title STEAM


Vaginal Steaming to Save Lives: How Black Women Are Using Steam to Reduce Risks of Childbirth

What You Will Learn:

  • Top 3 Causes of Risk During Childbirth
  • How Steam is Being Used to Decrease Labor and Delivery Complications
  • How Steam Is Being Used to Decrease Postpartum Complications

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About YOTA

Yoniversity Online Trainning Academy is an online platform that certifies women as holistic womb wellness coaches, and advocates.

Our mission is to provide alternative feminine health care options, education, and resources to women globally that teach them how to take special care of their, womb health, wealth, and spiritual self! 

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I was already a womb practitioner having studied under Queen Afua when I joined Yoniversity, the course is down to earth and soooo packed full of information. It really takes the old traditions making them exciting and enjoyable for the modern womb. The research has definitely been done--where most people stop with the superficial information, this course has the history and science all in regular, understandable English. I walked away from each part feeling confident, and wiser.

-Tahtahme Lizz Cann
Womb Practitioner